About Mathieu: A Journey of Resilience and Leadership

My journey began in the vibrant streets of San Francisco during the tech boom of the 90s, a hotbed of innovation and digital exploration. Here, my fascination with technology and hacking was ignited, shaping my early understanding of the digital world. Transitioning to Idaho’s serene high desert plains, I embraced a contrasting environment that honed my adaptability and resilience. This blend of urban energy and rural tenacity has been the cornerstone of my professional and personal growth.

Professional Milestones: Bridging Sectors with Expertise

My career spans roles from Chief Operating Officer at ApexDrop Influence Marketing to a pivotal project manager on the Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire”. I’ve steered organizations through growth and crisis, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, leveraging my expertise in Operations, Business Continuity, and Crisis Management. In roles at Erie Insurance Group and Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Western New York (HealthNow New York Inc.), I developed robust Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery programs, ensuring organizational resilience.

Turning Adversity into Opportunity at ApexDrop

At ApexDrop Influence Marketing, my proactive monitoring of global trends enabled us to anticipate and swiftly adapt to the COVID-19 outbreak. By initiating work-from-home drills early on, our team was fully prepared for the remote work transition, ensuring seamless operations. Recognizing the impending global changes, I strategically shifted our marketing focus to sectors poised for growth during the pandemic, such as alcohol brands and direct-to-consumer companies. This foresight not only maintained our workflow continuity but also propelled ApexDrop into Inc. 5000’s list of the fastest-growing companies in 2021, marking a period of significant sales and market share expansion under challenging global conditions.

“The Sweeper”

Selected by billionaire entrepreneur Glenn Stearns for the high-stakes challenge on Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” I served as the overall Project Manager and Director of a burgeoning beer company. My role on this reality show, which tests the resilience and ingenuity required to build a million-dollar business in 90 days with limited resources, earned me the nickname “The Sweeper” from Glenn. He recognized my ability to reliably execute tasks and turn challenges into triumphs. This experience underlines my capacity for strategic thinking, adaptability, and efficient problem-solving – qualities essential for leaders aiming to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Community Commitment: A Public Sector Heart

Parallel to my corporate journey, I’ve dedicated thousands of hours to training hundreds of firefighters, search and rescue technicians and emergency management professioanls. Additionally I’ve led those teams in emergency responses with 100% mission success and without a single injury. This commitment to public service and safety has been a vital part of my life, infusing my professional work with a deep sense of community responsibility and empathy.

Incident Commander: Operation Misery Bay

In December 2017, Erie, Pennsylvania, was engulfed by a historic snowstorm, receiving an overwhelming 65 inches of snow. This emergency led to Team Rubicon’s intervention, renowned for their disaster response capabilities. As the Incident Commander of Operation Misery Bay, I was at the forefront of this challenging mission. Collaborating closely with local authorities, I spearheaded our response efforts, focusing on identifying the most critical needs of the snow-trapped residents. Our team worked diligently to clear snow and ensure residents had access to essential services, particularly those in dire need of medical care and food. This operation not only demonstrated strategic crisis management and effective team coordination but also highlighted the power of empathy and community resilience in the face of natural disasters. For a deeper insight into this impactful operation, you can read more about it on Team Rubicon’s website here.

Educational Pursuits: Lifelong Learner

My academic journey reflects my belief in continuous improvement. With an MBA and a Bachelor’s in IT Management from Western Governors University, I am committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends. As stated earlier, I have thousands of hours of basic and advanced emergency management, firefighting and rescue training as well.
I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Cyber Security, further deepening my expertise.

Philosophy and Approach: Empowering Teams

I believe in the power of clear instruction and transparent performance metrics. My leadership style fosters an environment where each team member understands their role and is motivated to excel. Respect, accountability, and the belief that there are no bad employees, only opportunities for growth, define my approach to team management.

Making a Difference: Safe and Efficient Work Environments

I believe in the power of clear instruction and transparent performance metrics. My leadership style fosters an environment where each team member understands their role and is motivated to excel. Respect, accountability, and the belief that there are no bad employees, only opportunities for growth, define my approach to team management.

Join the Conversation: Insights and Advice

I am passionate about sharing my journey and insights. Through my upcoming blog posts, I aim to engage with leaders and professionals on topics like leadership, team development, resilience, and managing through adversity.

Let’s Collaborate: Your Partner in Leadership

Are you seeking a leader who can navigate challenges with resilience and innovation? Let’s discuss how my experience and approach can contribute to your organization’s success. Reach out to explore how we can collaborate towards achieving your goals.

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